Bit Post: Inspiration

Happy Weekend, everybody!

I participate in a semi-monthly writing group, born of a week long workshop organized by Erin Mallon in January. We meet online on the first and third Fridays of the month. One of us hosts the call and provides the prompt, we free write for ten minutes, and share. Tonight’s prompt was visual, a choice of five images. I chose the photo below, which stimulated a fun stream of consciousness. What does it bring up for you?

What has inspired you recently?
When were you last moved to dance in public?
When did a stranger last see you walk down the street with a broad smile on your face?
What do you reach for when you need inspiration?
What do you most often wish inspiration for?

This picture evokes joy and freedom for me–do I crave inspiration for these things?
Limbs splayed, balancing on one foot, hair and scarf flying…
There is movement here that I think (feel) inspires a desire for more motion–for going somewhere–or at least to get off the butt…
That a still painting inspires this kinetic desire is a paradox that I love–do paradoxes often inspire me? They certainly catch my attention; they make me curious, make me think.
Am I inspired by thinking?
Or does inspiration come before thought?

It’s words for me–inspiration manifests verbally first, for sure, no question.
Not only in writing; almost always in conversation! When I get inspired I write; if it’s high inspriation, I write to someone. And then it’s a positive feedback loop–the more I write the more inspired I get–it’s happening now!

So, Dear Reader:
What inspires you?
What evokes movement and that upward spiral of energy and excitation?
How does it feel in your body, and how do others experience you in this state?

What does inspiration do for you?
How does it feed you?
Or does it?

What downsides of inspiration do you experience?

What questions do you have about inspiration?
Whom would you ask and how would that conversation go?

Taking some time off in the coming week, folks. Wishing all in the northern hemisphere a joyous start to the summer season, and may we all show up to one another in ways that help us connect more deeply and lovingly!

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