How Health Begets Health

November Gratitude Shorts, Day 7

Today I really give thanks for my health, and for that of my family.

As the kids and I sat waiting to get their flu vaccines this morning, I heard someone blow their nose. It was that thick mucus blowing that feels, at the same time, both gross and gratifying. I took a deep breath through my unobstructed nostrils and looked happily at my uninfected children.

Lately I’ve had some knee swelling and pain, probably resulting from a bike crash last month and then over-zealous running the following week. It’s slowly improving, but has taken up disproportionate space in my consciousness for a couple of weeks. This morning I forgot how my chronic back and neck pain have drastically improved. The heel pain I’ve had for the past year is 80% better since I started rolling my foot on a golf ball this week. I’m actually healthy, and improving all over the place!  So why do my thoughts circle so much more around what’s wrong than what’s right?  I know the teleological basis for this; it’s more of a rhetorical question.

Whenever a virus knocks me down, I appreciate my health the most. Oh, to breathe through my nose and lay flat without feeling like my head and lungs will at once collapse and explode!  To move between routine activities so effortlessly, rather than like dragging a fifty ton boulder uphill through thick fog!

Muffins, croissants, cupcakes and chai lattes tempted me coyly during our post-shot cafe visit today. Thankfully, my renewed awareness of robust health strengthened my resolve to protect it, and I resisted, this time. So maybe if I practice specific gratitude for my health more often, I will make healthier life choices more easily? Can’t hurt to try!

19 thoughts on “How Health Begets Health

  1. Sounds like a good plan~maybe I’ll give that a try. This past few months I have also been plagued with painful joints and back, plus energy gone AWOL. (What’s up with that?!) When something heals I feel gratitude, too, but only briefly. Mindfulness slips out, bagels slip in, and I’m right back to where I started with unhappy sinuses and joints. As you can tell, I really relate to this post! Thank you for sharing.


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