Summer Series 2016: Holding the Space

LSD tree June

Well, hello again, friends! It’s been a while–again!  *sigh*

Sometimes things happen that we can’t quite explain… Like why, after writing 26 enthusiastic posts in 30 days, I could only manage to publish one thing in the ensuing 42 days?  How fascinating!  I’ve entertained several intersecting theories…  And while it’s been a fun and frustrating exercise in introspection, it is now time to let go the analysis, take what I’ve got, and move on.  I know I will integrate it all in the long run.

So today, I officially launch Healing Through Connection Summer Series 2016: Holding the Space.  For the rest of June, July, and August, I will explore the various meanings and applications of this concept, and what its practice teaches me.

To me, “Holding the Space” means slowing down. It means being with things the way they are, without rushing to criticize, blame, judge, intervene, reject, fix, suppress, resolve, deflect, escape, annihilate, deny, or ignore.  When we practice Holding Space, we allow more.  We tolerate better.  We find peace.  For an excellent description of the practice as it relates to caregiving, see here.

The concept has swirled in my mind almost nonstop these last few months. It’s triggered mostly when I see conflict and controversy, and also in times of transition, challenge, agitation, growth, and uncertainty.  I have referenced it in my writing before, sometimes using the actual words, other times alluding indirectly.  Here are some recent examples:

My purpose in this series is to share personal reflections on Holding Space, as I grapple with important social, professional, and personal questions. As I wrote in my previous post, I may venture into controversial territory, but my intent is not to argue a particular position.  I wish, as always, to focus on relationships.

Please join me on this journey. Solitary reflection is helpful and necessary, but it’s almost always more fun to welcome companions on the expedition.




6 thoughts on “Summer Series 2016: Holding the Space

  1. Pingback: Holding the Space for Personal Acts of Peace—Listening | Healing Through Connection

  2. Pingback: Moderate | Healing Through Connection

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