Bit Post: Resting Peace Face

Dillon Reservoir, Dillon Colorado, 2023

On the sidewalk
In the hospital
At the mall
In the grocery store aisle

In the elevator
At the dentist’s office
In the waiting room
Standing in line

Making eye contact
Ready to smile wide
At the cute baby
And their exhausted and attentive mama

Inviting greetings
Inciting connection
Noticed for how different
It feels to see and be seen

In a world that can feel so cold
So distant, lonely, and isolating

The Resting Peace Face
Our peaceful presence
In any space, among any humans
Could mean more than we can imagine

as seen on Instagram

Been basking in the love of friends and books lately.
Walking around with a noticeable half smile, even more than usual.
Waving every day to the crossing guard by Daughter’s school, and the homeless dude by Lake Shore Drive.
Just *feelin‘* it, y’all–reveling, soaking it up.

Not sure if smiling can actually beget happiness
Or if it’s only the other way around.
Does it matter?
How can we get more of it all, regardless?

I know that when someone smiles at me, I automatically smile back, and it feels good.
So why not do the world around me this little bit of good, wherever I am?
Costs me nothing.
And I (we all?) gain so, so much.

Onward, my friends. Life is short. Connect and heal. 
One smiling Peace Face encounter at a time.

8 thoughts on “Bit Post: Resting Peace Face

  1. I think bringing “Love you” or “I love you” back is brilliant. You are right, people are sometimes taken aback when you say this…but that is just because it isn’t expected.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sue!
      I’m calling people β€œlove” more often now, too. My friend Stacy has done it for years and I have always appreciated it. But it was not until hearing Brits do it (and one Brit in particular, in his personalized audio messages to my friends and me πŸ˜‰) over and again, and probably getting to this age when I feel strong and safe enough to just be BOOBS OUT about more things, that I finally adopted this practice myself. It’s just loving and connecting, and life is just too short and too hard to not do it, I have decided. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


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